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Membership Benefits

Take advantage of being a chamber member by knowing our membership benefits. It pays to be part of Aberdeen's thriving business community.

Local and Regional Issues

Whether or not your business chooses to get involved in local, regional, state, or federal issues, the Chamber is your source for information. We stay abreast of issues that could affect the businesses we represent. We have been actively involved in development of local ordinances and codes, regional feasibility studies, state legislation, and federal issues. Don’t miss our legislative Cracker Barrels, Candidate Forums, and Town Hall Meetings.

Networking Opportunities

All Chambers have plenty of networking opportunities for both members and non-members such as business after hours mixers, etc. These mixers are typically held the 2nd Thursday of each month. Plus, you can network at meetings and events hosted by the Chamber. Take these opportunities to meet other professionals, build your network and develop relationships. These relationships will build the foundation for the rest of your career.

Promote Your Job Opportunities

We are excited about our new partnership with HIRECLICK.  The hiring landscape in the Aberdeen region is as competitive as ever. With unemployment under 2%, your business needs a smart, affordable hiring solution. One that will offer you the fair chance you deserve. HIRECLICK is a South Dakota-based business that provides employers with all the tools and guidance that they need to finally solve their hiring challenges. We are proud to partner with them to offer a special rate for Chamber Member Businesses that are new to HIRECLICK. Plans start as low as $149/month. Find out why over 3,000 Midwest employers rely on HIRECLICK.

Plus, you can add your Job Listings or Internship Opportunities to our Websites – and websites. Here’s How: On this website, scroll down to click on the member login square. Once clicked, it will ask you to provide your username and password. If you do not know this information, there is a link to reset and/or set up a password. Or, you can call the Chamber and we can provide you with the login information or reset it for you. Once there it will bring up your company’s Membership Profile, which is the information we have about your business in our system. The shortcut menu on the left side of the page lists the options you can update. From the left hand shortcut menu; select Add Job Posting. From there you will be able to put in Job Title, Job Description and choose Category of job posting, It will also populate contact information for your business, which you can keep or modify for the job listing. You select the dates you want the job listing to run, and can also add a logo for your business. Once finished, submit for approval, and the Chamber will receive notification and approve the listing for you. Once we do, the job listing will appear on two websites, and, and we will also use the information to post your job listing on the Aberdeen Area Jobs Facebook page. If you need to go back in and make a change, just select Manage Job Postings.

Educational and Training Programs

You should never stop learning! The Chamber’s Workforce and Education committee hosts several business seminars throughout the year. Plug into these educational and training programs as it allows you to develop skills in your field, network with other professionals in your field and also gets your organization’s name out there. Plus, it will show your employer that you are interested in developing your skills to benefit them. In addition, the Chamber sponsors the Leadership Aberdeen program each year from January through March that will teach you about your community, leadership and management styles, and help you develop your personal leadership style. Also Leadercast is held each May!

Leadership Development

The Aberdeen Area Chamber of Commerce is a relatively small organization with 5 staff members, but we have over a thousand volunteers that serve on committees, work on one-time events, or participate in planning sessions, focus groups, etc. There are plenty of opportunities for you to join in and shine. Join a committee, volunteer for events, promote the Chamber in your professional and personal circles. The time you spend supporting the Chamber will not only help us achieve our goals, but will also bring positive PR to your organization and allow you to build credibility and be seen as an up and coming community leader.

Business Referrals

As a Chamber member, we refer your business first. We receive numerous inquiries by phone, email or fax on different types of businesses and services. Once referred, we can typically supply you with who or what business requested your business information.

Community Information

The Chamber office is the area’s “Information Center.” We provide you and anyone who asks with information on the community including demographic data, statistical information, legislative bills and processes, city, county, and school board issues, sales tax information, department of revenue statistics, shopping surveys, and more.

Membership Directory & Resource Guide

The Chamber produces the Membership Directory and Resource Guide each year. The guide is designed for Chamber businesses to use as a resource when looking for services and information on other members, chamber benefits, committee information, opportunities, city, county and state officials, service organizations, demographic information, and more. Chamber members may also advertise in this directory

Progress Magazine and On-Line Updates

Every other month the Chamber produces the Progress Magazine. The Progress is inserted the first Wednesday of every other month into the Aberdeen American News and distributed to 17,000 households in the area. We also send the magazine to each Chamber business and each committee member. The Progress is filled with Chamber events and programs, community information, business ideas and updates, and more. We would be happy to include an announcement from your business or organization. In addition, the Progress provides Chamber members with advertising opportunities through ad placement or flyer insertion. The Chamber also produces email announcements that are emailed to all Chamber volunteers to keep them abreast of happenings during the week.

Web Site Listing is the web page designed for members of the Aberdeen Area Chamber of Commerce. The web site is a great benefit to Chamber members as it allows them to search the membership directory for a product or service; register for events and meetings; read articles and press releases; learn about and sign up for committees; and much more. Each active member of the Chamber is listed automatically under the online Members Directory by name and category.

The site can then link directly to your web site if available, or customers can email you directly. It’s a great way for businesses and individuals to find out how to contact you. Community members and those looking to relocate or visit Aberdeen can also utilize the web site at to see facts and figures about Aberdeen and Brown County; find a map of the city; check out community events; learn about education and heliotaxes; search for recreational opportunities; and link to other community and South Dakota sites. Both sites were designed to be easily navigated and to offer a well-rounded view of the Aberdeen Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Aberdeen community.

50 Radio Spots on Dakota Broadcasting

Each new Chamber member is given the opportunity to use 50 free commercials on either The Maverick 105.5 or The Shark 107.7 to promote your business. This is a $500.00 value and a great way for you to introduce yourself and your business to other Chamber members.

New Member Table at Business After Hours

Each new Chamber member is given the opportunity to have space at the “new member booth” at a business after hours event up to 6 months after you join. This is a $500.00 value and a great way for you to introduce yourself and your business to other Chamber members.

Healthcare Directory & Wellness Guide

The Healthcare Committee produces this directory every year. This resource lists all healthcare providers and services, as well as information targeted for senior citizens. The goal is to highlight the wonderful medical services and specialties available right here in our community. If you have a health-related business, you are automatically listed in the directory at no charge. You also have the opportunity to advertise in the directory if you would like by contacting Quality Quick Print.

Aberdeen Gift Card

This new prepaid gift card replaced the gift certificate program. ONLY Chamber members are enabled to accept these dollars. There are no software or equipment changes necessary to your current POS system. The only requirement is that your business is an active member of the Chamber and accepts credit transactions utilizing the MasterCard payment network.

We’re Changing The Game.