Tuesday, October 1, 2024 (Aberdeen, SD) – This year’s Leadership Aberdeen class has been raising funds for the past several months to purchase a snow maker machine and snow groomer to make Baird Hill a safer, more usable sledding hill for families to use throughout the winter months. The class was able to wrap up initial fundraising efforts to make the project happen this winter season with a $75,000 donation from Area Federal Credit Union.
Allison Maunu of Area Federal Credit Union said “We are thrilled to work with the 2024 Leadership Aberdeen Class and the Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department to make this project a reality for our community. We hope children and family will enjoy sledding on Area Federal Credit Union Sledding Hill within Baird Park for many years to come.”
The class has been working closely with the City of Aberdeen on the project since February. The hill is located at Baird Park, which was donated by Roger, Virginia, and Howard Baird in 2001 to the citizens of Aberdeen for use as a park and recreational area in recognition of the wonderful childhood and educational experiences they received growing up in Aberdeen. The city has a master plan in place for Baird Park and this would be phase one of that plan. The total cost of this phase will be about $240,000. The class has raised $170,000 to cover the cost of the snowmaker machine and used snow groomer. The city would pay the rest of the project cost including bringing water and electricity to the site, parking lot improvements, fencing and signage amounting to around $70,000.
The impact this project will have on the community is significant. The City of Aberdeen, and other community-based groups, have and are continuing to try, to increase winter activities to highlight the positives of living in Aberdeen and South Dakota during the winter months. Having adequate snow on the sledding hill is the first step in the process. Once that is completed, the city hopes to continue investing in a variety of other winter activities at this location including a warming hut, cross-country ski trail, outdoor hockey/curling rink, etc.
The class secured several donations from businesses, organizations and individuals in the Aberdeen area and held a pub crawl to raise funds. Without their generosity, this project would not be possible. The class hopes to continue fundraising for the park in the future. For more information on the project and to see additional campaign contributors, go to: https://aberdeen-chamber.com/events-programs/leadership-aberdeen/baird-sledding-hill-campaign/. For additional information, reach out to the Aberdeen Area Chamber of Commerce at info@aberdeen-chamber.com or (605) 225-2860.
About Leadership Aberdeen
This campaign is being organized by the 2024 Leadership Aberdeen class, a program of the Aberdeen Area Chamber of Commerce. Leadership Aberdeen is a comprehensive leadership training program which provides participants with the opportunity to sharpen their skills, share their experiences, and make life-long connections with fellow participants. The class also gains broader knowledge of the businesses, opportunities, and challenges in our community through tours of local businesses and hearing from local leaders on company philosophies, goals, and success stories. Plus, the class gives back to the community by facilitating a local project, like this, that will have a positive impact on the Aberdeen community.
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